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  1. #121
    Smart Canuck
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    Hahaha...I went tonight and the cashier was quite pleasant. There was not much left, so hopefully they restock the shelves!!

    Don't know if anyone likes the V8 V-fusion drinks, but IGA had a 0.75 off Cranberry/Blackberry or Passionfruit/Tangerine flavour - there was also a 0.50 off any (that has been around for awhile), I see LD does carry the V8 so if they have these new flavours you can PM to IGA (2/$5) and get to bottles for $2.50!!

  2. #122
    You love my Avatar! freeplease's Avatar
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    Hello Guys!

    A while back there were I think $5 off fusion refill blades.... I think from a smartsource or something. Anyways I don't know if they are still good as I got rid of mine. If you still have them, I was at WM today and in the check out line they had the fusion refill bonus pack with a small shave foam for $9 down from $17.97

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by freeplease View Post
    Hello Guys!

    A while back there were I think $5 off fusion refill blades.... I think from a smartsource or something. Anyways I don't know if they are still good as I got rid of mine. If you still have them, I was at WM today and in the check out line they had the fusion refill bonus pack with a small shave foam for $9 down from $17.97 was $4 off the Fusion blades, but, unfortunately that coupon expired on April 30 - maybe we will get a new one?! I have a feeling that the new BrandSaver flyer will be in next weekends paper (the 28th). You could use the free shampoo/BW WUB razor or blades coupon with it as well.

  4. #124
    Frosh Canuck
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    Hey ladies,
    at liquidation world there are sports bras that are on for $3, they are at the front of the store. The tag says sears on it, and they are good quality IMO. Only L and XL left! Hope your summer is going great!!

  5. #125
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    I went to Zellers and got the vileda brooms that are half price for $4.99. I dropped off a whole bunch of $2 off coupons on the display, so you get them for $2.99.

  6. #126
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    Went SDM this a.m. to get my 20x points and saw the dwttwn. one had their Neutrogena sunscreen in the clearance section for $3 - those $2 coups are expiring Sept. 30, so now is a great time to get it for next summer at $1 a piece!!! Off to do another 20x with my BrandSaver coups - what a deal!

  7. #127
    You love my Avatar! freeplease's Avatar
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    Well hello everyone, it's been a while! I'm sure everyone knows of the deals going on right now, but I'll post them anyways...


    lip soft 1.99 FREE with coupon
    Campbells C O mushroom .49 FREE with B2S1
    International Cream 1.99 - .75 = 1.24


    Nestle Noir 2F5 FREE with B2S3 plus 2 x $1 (found at superstore)

    Of course anything else you have stacks for!

    That's all I can think of right now!

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by freeplease View Post
    Well hello everyone, it's been a while! I'm sure everyone knows of the deals going on right now, but I'll post them anyways...


    lip soft 1.99 FREE with coupon
    Campbells C O mushroom .49 FREE with B2S1
    International Cream 1.99 - .75 = 1.24


    Nestle Noir 2F5 FREE with B2S3 plus 2 x $1 (found at superstore)

    Of course anything else you have stacks for!

    That's all I can think of right now!
    Hey has been awhile..I am guessing everyone is busy trying to use up their Dec. expiries .

    Just a note on the Nestle Noir B2S$3 coupon...I didn't notice it until it was pointed out to me...but..there is an asterix after the 'when you buy any' and when you look at the fine print the asterix has very specific products that this coupon applies to - the 100g Tablet that is on 2/$5 is not one of them...sorry to be the one to say it. There's still a possible good deal if LD carries the Delicate Mousse 90g, cause both coupons are stackable for that!

    Hope to get a meeting date up soon (prob. not before the New Year though - I think most of us are too busy right now!)

  9. #129
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    Hmmm.... we used the coupon the other night without any problem? It showed a picture of the chocolate bars on the coupon. Wish I would have read the fine print! Oops! Thanks for pointing this out.
    Last edited by sierra1973; Thu, Dec 9th, 2010 at 10:20 PM.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by sierra1973 View Post
    Hmmm.... we used the coupon the other night without any problem? It showed a picture of the chocolate bars on the coupon. Wish I would have read the fine print! Oops! Thanks for pointing this out.
    I actually didn't notice until after I had bought 2 of the choc. bars as well. The CS did not read the fine print. But knowing now I don't feel right doing it just because I can 'get away with it'. The B2$3 off has a picture of the Holiday Tablet - which is a pkg. of 2-100g bars.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by mutchdutch View Post
    I actually didn't notice until after I had bought 2 of the choc. bars as well. The CS did not read the fine print. But knowing now I don't feel right doing it just because I can 'get away with it'. The B2$3 off has a picture of the Holiday Tablet - which is a pkg. of 2-100g bars.

    I feel the same...

  12. #132
    You love my Avatar! freeplease's Avatar
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    I was just at WM and they have French's Mustard with a Bonus full size bottle of Frank's red hot sauce with it for $2.78 If you buy 2 packs you can use the B2 French's products save $1.50 so you get 2 bottles of mustard and 2 bottles of Franks for $4.06 Good deal!

  13. #133
    CaToonie calee's Avatar
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    wow that is a good deal thanks for the heads up.

  14. #134
    Couponer ChrisErin's Avatar
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    Thanks for the heads up! Will head there today!

  15. #135
    purse full of coupons
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    I was at London drugs on king george hwy in whalley and they had head & shoulders shampoo and they had a gillette fusion razor bonus. With stacking I paid .50. They still had a couple last night when I was there. super good deal!

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