Conversation Between 22hicks and tad01

15 Visitor Messages

  1. thank you; hope ur having a great w/end
  2. lucky you; for most - tgif
  3. Hahah! I don't work Fridays. I have a four day work-week.
    Happy St. Paddy's!
  4. hope u can get up 4 work in the a.m. lol
  5. thx; hope u enjoy this spring - like weather the next couple of days
  6. thank you; don't eat more than a couple doz. or so
  7. thank you; get u when I get out of jail - getting tired of the 4 walls every day lol
  8. braggart, thx 4 the rep
  9. thx 4 the rep; hope ur enjoying ur long w/end
  10. thank you - I hope not; I try very hard 2 b friendly with everyone & would hate any hard feelings, esp if he was kidding; I hope u have a great day !!
  11. thx tad - much appreciated
  12. thx Tad; I hope 2011 will be all u want it 2 be
  13. thank you 4 the rep; Happy Halloween 2 u 2
  14. thx 4 the rep
  15. thx 4 the rep
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15