Conversation Between annedougherty and FallenPixels

26 Visitor Messages

  1. Nope, no invisible here! BRING IT ON! lol
  2. omg, I just saw the skanky xmas tree with the hobnoobs on top lol. That's awesome
  3. uh huh. she is the one who wanted $20GC for $50 in mostly reg coupons
  4. Oh I know, I guess I didn't make that clear enough through my rage lol. People seem to think that when they have something in THEIR possession, that it's worth more than the same thing in someone else's possession.
  5. haha Quincy is usually looking at me like that when I wake up
  6. no idea, it was already cut out on FaceinHole
    lol little tart
    I did it to Mercy too and now I have to sleep with one eye open
  7. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Which little tart's body is my head on?! lol That's awesome lol
  8. Glad you like it, there are still out there still to arrive :D
  9. Hey Skank! Thank you so much for the pin. I got it today and I absolutely LOVE it. Completely awesome of you to do that!
  10. lol too funny! Spelled wrong TWICE no less. ONCE is a typo lol. Not twice.
  11. No I can't today, but I promise I will come to one of your meetings in the near future. I'd love to meet you guys! lol Bf just took a new job, and his schedule is berserk and he's getting sent all over the place. So I haven't seen him that much and he'll be here around the time you guys are meeting up today. omg, I just spent 90 minutes in a shopper's drugmart trying to spend as little as humanly possible after coupons. My head hurts now lol. Tell everyone I say hi, and that I will make it to the next meet up!!!
  12. Are you coming to Toronto today?
  13. he had a little kiosk stall in Mapleview Mall for a while but is looking for an actual store so just has an online store at the moment
    he has loads of amazing teas, the strawberry one is just yummy
  14. hey, I just read below something about ice wine tea? Where DO you find that? lol I went to a bbq restaurant in winona the other day and on the menu they have sweet tea made with ice wine tea. Apparently it's really popular there but the machine was broken that day and bf and I never got to try it. And now I see NancyM mention ice wine tea here here. Weird! LOL
  15. Thanks for attacking me!
  16. maybe I just read it wrong LOL - I was thinking wow that person got a really good deal
  17. No! I traded all 4 for a chapmans, a melitta, and a cereal. Am I wording things badly again? lol Probably
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 26 of 26