Conversation Between Aphena and sumi

25 Visitor Messages

  1. thank you hun and thank you for the rep!!
    Have a wonderfuld day!
  2. YMTW Sumi anytime cutie pie
  3. Good Morning,
    thank you for the rep
  4. hey Aph...sorry, don't go to that antivirus just wanrned me of a virus!!!!
  5. isn't that nice?
    here you go
    have a wonderful friday
  6. Hey Sumi that pic today.......Can i have url for it that is soooo awesome. TY so much...
  7. Sumi I think I may start calling u the QUEEN of beautiful pics GM.
  8. Good Morning,
    thank you for the rep
  9. Good Morning Aphena,
    thank you for the rep
  10. Im better, no stress today or i may have to choke someone....HEHEHEHEHHEHEE Jsut havent' changed my status. On that now... HUGS!!!
  11. thank you!
    how u doing today?
  12. Love the pic Sumi....Your so cute
  13. morning...thanks for the rep!
  14. Shay you flirt. I am good Sumi had a decnet time last night. Ty for asking. Plan on getting stuff doen and destressing today if at all possible...LOL.
  15. thanks for the rep hun!
    how is ur saturday going so far?
  16. good you doing today?
  17. thanks for the rep!
    Happy Halloween...
  18. Ty sumi taht pic is beautifulll... TY TY BIG HUGGIES!!
  19. Thanks for the rep Aphena!
  20. Tried to rep ya says i gotta spread more LOL. Thank ya though. Hope you have a great day!
  21. thanks for the rep!
  22. thanks for the rep hun!
    have a great weekend!
  23. thanks for the rep!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 25