Conversation Between April07 and harkatsmom

27 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy EASTER!!!!
  2. Hey Sunshine!!!

    I have thought of you more than once my friend...

    Guess what, my crazy butt now has a 5 month old crazy little fox terrier...LOL

    He is almost cat size, but Dobie in mentality...What a crazy mixture

    I will post pics soon...

    Anyway, I truly hope that all is more than well with you April, and I also hope that you know that I have been thinking of you!!!

    Big Hugs to you from me

  3. Happy Canada day weekend to you too!!! HUGS!!!! Hope your and yours have a great weekend.

  4. Hey Missy,

    Wishing you a very Happy Canada Day 2008.

    I hope that your weekend is a blast!!!
  5. Hi April,

    Haven't caught up with you on line lately, but want to let you know that I am thinking of you

    Hope that you have a great weekend Hun
  6. Hope your day is great!!!

  7. Hello !

  8. Stopping by to say hello, hope you having a great night
  9. Hey April

    Hope that your weekend was fabulous!!!
  10. Hope you have a great weekend!
  11. Hey April

    Thanks for sharing your pics of you and Tia...
    I am so darn jealous

    Hope you are having a great night
  12. Just stopping in to say HELLO!!!
  13. Glad that you found us April...
    Hope that you are enjoying our site so far
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 27 of 27