Conversation Between April07 and Kitty77

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy Easter! Hope all is well with you and yours!
  2. Merry Christmas!!
  3. Happy Birthday April!! Hope you had a nice day!
  4. April., wow, has been so long since we have heard from you!! Hope you are doing ok, take care!!!!
  5. Hiya Kitty !
  6. Hey April, how are you? Just thinking about you. Take care, Kitty
  7. Merry Christmas!
  8. Hi April:
    Just thinking about you and hope you are doing okay. Take care, Kitty
  9. Hi April, hope you get some dry weather soon for haying, not good nearly August. Just doesn't seem to be a good year for you. We are still in Alberta, went to the Stampede, that was awesome! So neat to see some of the Bull riders that we have been watching on tv all these years. Also went to watch the PBR Chuck Wagon Races, twice, cool! Hope some of this dry & hot weather comes your way, take care, Kitty
  10. Have not been able to do the hay yet... it keeps raining. We need 7 days of no rain adn warm dry weather. I hope soon because I am getting nervous!!!! How are you doing ?
  11. Hi April:
    Good to hear that the flooding didn't hit your place!! How is Hwy 1, leaving for Alberta in a few days and wondering if there are any detours?? Take care & have a Good Nite!! Kitty
  12. Hi! Hope you had a nice Easter!!
  13. Hi April:
    How are you? How are things on the farm? Did you get the leanto repaired yet? Thinking about you, Kitty
  14. Hi April:
    Been thinking about you and wondering how you are making out. Not too long before Hubby goes away. Hope your Parents are also trying to stay well. Take Care & Pet the Critters for me, Kitty
  15. Hi April: think you tried to send a picture but didn't come through Did you paint the breezeway? Hope you, Hubby & the Critters had a nice weekend!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15