Conversation Between arkietech and ticul

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Ticul - hope you and yours had an excellent Christmas! We had a great holiday and are very thankful we don't have to travel anymore with this freezing rain that's hitting us now. Happy New Year to you!
  2. Hi Arkietech! I wish you and your family a Merry XMas fill with love and good memories. Take good care and have lots of fun............................................
  3. Hi Ticul - hope you're having a great day! Crazy busy one for me - thank goodness Friday's coming Thanks for the rep
  4. Thanks for the Monday rep Always need a "pick-me-up" on Mondays LOL Hope you have a wonderful week!
  5. rofl - thanks for the rep Have a great day!
  6. Thanks ticul for the "good morning rep" Have a fantastic weekend with family & friends!
  7. You're welcome for the link - enjoy the savings Thanks for the rep and have a great week!
  8. Good morning - thanks for the rep and hope you have an AMAZING week!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8