Conversation Between aussie and glowworm2k

13 Visitor Messages

  1. Just logged back on after my baby hiatus. My little guy arrived 12/27, weighing in at 7lbs 3oz. It was a bit of a crazy day (snowstorm and fast labour), but I'm so glad he's here. I hope 2013 is off to a good start for you! (I'll share more details soon... a fussy baby is calling!)
  2. You havent logged in since boxing day! so must mean only one thing!!! You have had your sweet baby!!! I guess I got lucky on this first cycle of clomid! no side effects! and hopefully I got really lucky and will get my bfp! ( too soon for that)
  3. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a most amazing New Year full of Baby Dust and happy surprises (And for your Holidays to be more fun than mine of aches, pains and not-so-patiently waiting for a baby!) LOL, this LO can get out any time now... heck, I'm free right now...
  4. Have a great Canada Day!
  5. Gah! You've discovered my secret! Have a wonderful long weekend
    My weekend will be spent sleeping as this whole "energy bounce back" I've heard about in the 12th and 13th weeks hasn't happened :/
  6. I am waiting (very impatiently) for my ultrasound on Monday. I have decided that being a fertility patient ain't so bad when you get to jump the line and get scans, tests, etc. weeks ahead of everybody else!
    The weird thing I crave is nutritional yeast (the flaky yellow powder from the bulk store)... DH caught me eating it straight out of the bulk barn bag with a spoon a few days back... I just can't get enough! It's so weird. These strange bodies of ours, lol!
  7. LOL My husband does it too!!!! ( eats yogurt out of the tub!) so theres a double ick for you! speaking of odd cravings... the day after I had the ultrasound, and we found out there was no baby.... Ive been craving green tea!!!! and Im not really a tea drinker! Hmmmmmm
  8. Thanks for the rep! LOL, I think all of us ladies in the ttc thread could probably get a hilarious list of cravings/women behaving badly stuff going... eating out of the yogurt tub is a bit gross, but probably the least of my sins
  9. Happy International Women's Day!! I hope you have a wonderful day
  10. All the best to you in 2012!
  11. Thanks for the rep! Good luck with your goals too!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13