Conversation Between aussie and MortgageQueen

8 Visitor Messages

  1. LOL he likes to! but thats gross!!! Hope you are having a lovely weekend!
  2. Thanks for like. I bet ol' Snoop dog licks a few mucky hands when he gets the chance, eh?
  3. OMG. .your family must have some Gypsy blood! Talk about being spread around the world! Would your Mom ever consider moving here ? or do you have other siblings in Aus.?
  4. We went for a visit in 2010... it was DH's first trip there! Yes it is hard being so far away from home...My sister is married to a Canadian as well lol, shes in BC! My Mum is coming over for a visit next year! was supposed to be this year.... but plans have changed....
  5. 5 years! hope you get to see them sometime! Is it hard so far from home? I can't imagine! Give ol Snooop dog a snuggle for me.
  6. LOL yep I do have an aussie accent! but my family back home reckon I sound Canadian now! been here for almost 5 years! and I forgot to answer the other question you asked me a few days ago, about my avatar! thats our puppy Snoopy! well hes a fully grown 4.5 year old but he will always be our puppy! Hope you are lovely week so far!
  7. Thanks for like Aussie. . . do you have an aussie accent too? They're my favourite
  8. Thanks for Like aussie. Who's that little cutie-pie in ur avatar?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8