Facebook says Triples gates are open.
Code alert
I'm almost ALWAYS too slow LOL. Thanks for the kind words and the rep. Have a great weekend!
Happy New Year! Thank you for the rep
Thanks for the rep and I hope you had a Happy New Years too. All the best in 2012.
PS: Thanks for the rep. Hope you don't want to take it back now.
Hi, just learning my way around the site. Hope this is where I'm supposed to post my response to your qusetion about the Robin Hood Bake Some Memories booklet. It came in the envelope with the condiment coupons. I have edited my post to reflect that. I believe the October issue of "Taste of Home" Magazine had the booklet as an insert, and you can download it (without the coupons unfortunately) at http://www.robinhood.ca/pdf/RHD66_ON_e.pdf
Thank you for the rep & your positive comment
Thank you
Thanks for the rep & No, I didn't make them myself - I totally wish I could take credit for something so cute!
Hi there, thanks for the rep. Pinecone is a market research company, one of the best ones out there. If you look under 'Forum' look under 'Paid Surveys' you'll find more info. Unfortunately you need a referral from someone to join (when they are recruiting and they haven't been for awhile) or sometimes you'll find an internet banner recruitiing people.
Thank you for the rep. And the movie was great!
boogey-man slayer
Smart Canuck
SC Candy Addict