Conversation Between Bloo and caitfoster

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Not to worry, I understand
    thams for the rating, have a great week ahead of you!
  2. And the coupons were well recieved. All dogs in the house are happy with their weekly treat. Bless your heart!
  3. Bloo. I am so sorry. I have been such a dink lately with my SC family. I am in and out of the hospital with baby in the last few weeks. Everything is getting neglected. I sent you your trade rating. Thank you so so so so much, please forgive my dink-ness.
  4. Hi cait
    how are you?
    wondering if the busy bones reached you yet
    would love a trade rating too
  5. thanks for the rep
    Hope things become super good for you very soon!
    have a great weekend
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5