Conversation Between Bloo and cheapskate101

19 Visitor Messages

  1. happy easter !!
  2. Happy New year!!!
  3. hey steph!! thanks :D
  4. *
  5. he he ill be looking out for them
  6. coming in a few minutes
    was busy ordering free Herbal essences coupons LOL
  7. wheres the bundles??? LOL
  8. lol thanks
  9. awesome! good luck on exams
  10. yes, when my exams are over this friday they will be up, somebodys been waiting for my bundles :D
  11. you gunna have any bundles up for trade? i am looking for some FPC
  12. LOL great minds think alike huh?
    yeah i thought coupons would be like cents off, IRONICALLY coupons can get you soo many free stuff, I actually stoped going to the freebie section now, most freebies dont even show up waste!
  13. lol i know! the only reason i joined the site was to get free stuff and i thought that was the only way to do it! had no idea bout coupons and stuff. and i thought all the deals would be like 50.00 off a $700 computer lol
  14. thanks for the rep, and LOL freebies is sucha distraction when a member is new to the forum eh
  15. LOLLL makes me wonder
  16. Hope you have a great weekend too!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 19 of 19