Conversation Between c_mcarthur and Ricki911

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  1. Thanks! Actually after awhile they really like the sweaters. Had to fight to get them off. It was making them all sit still was making them mad. Your cats are cute. My Mom use to have a cat with those kind of marking. I just set them on my knees and dressed them like a baby and they just sat there and didnt do anything. It could be because Ive had them for about 2 months now. I found them in the bathrooma t work - someone just dropped them off. I could just leave them and the humane society was going to put them down so I brought them home. They are just babies its funny and they are so well behaved. I carry them around liek babies and they love it. Now dressing them they think its normal. Come spring time Im getting them leashes to go for walks. They always want outside so Ill teach them to stay in the backyard but always when someones out there. If you train them they will do fine - my Mom cats does this as well (the grey one in the picture).
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