Conversation Between caitfoster and Kitty77

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Merry Christmas!!
  2. Merry Christmas!
  3. Hi Cait; How are you feeling? Take care, Kitty
  4. Hi Cait: Thanks for the Peanut Butter Rep, lol! Too cute! Hope you feeling a little better, take care, Kitty
  5. Hi Cait:
    Sounds like you are having so much fun with the puppies.
    Thanks for the smile of the day!
    Its a lot of work taking care of them, but now that they are starting to get around will be so much fun watching them. Take care, Kitty
  6. Hi Cait:
    Good to hear that you are feeling better!! Have my kids visiting this week so am keeping busy. How are the puppies? Take care and hope each day you feel a bit stronger! Kitty
  7. Hi Cait: Just checking in to say hi! Take Care Kitty
  8. Hi Cait:
    So good to hear you are feeling better! Have been trying to read all your posts since joining SC. Hope the little puppies are doing okay. Take care, Kitty
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8