Conversation Between CN8DIAN and feetfrown

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the help!! That link explained a lot!
    Have a great Sunday!!
  2. 2. how does the notification thing work??

    This is where people left you reps, click it and you can read them
  3. Ok
    #1) you are allowed to give 50 reps a day, when people reach their limit
    they say they are in jail
    Reps explained below

    #2) Not sure what you mean
  4. I have been told that you are the expert (regarding this forum) so I was wondering if you could answer a couple of questions!
    1. what the heck does rep jail mean??
    2. how does the notification thing work??

    Thanks for the help!!

    Hope you are having a nice Friday!!!!!!!!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4