Conversation Between crafter7 and NSangel

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you for your kind words! He had cancer and is in a better place now, not suffering. I'm sorry that I never got to meet him, he sounds like a great guy.

    I'm glad to see Garfield back (that's what I feel like doing lately, lol). The dragon was cute but garfields way better!
  2. ya but i thought chicken bones were pinK?
  3. Don't count yourself out of the contest. I can't be the only idiot that had more than one account per computer. Don't count yourself out til the votes are in. Your cat ROCKS! mine's just old and has an attitude.
  4. Thanks for the rep! Even though I know that there's not a chance of me winning the Cat contest, I like 7th place (fav number) and I know that my kitty is a winner in my eyes! Good luck to you though.
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