Conversation Between crazycoupongirl and SimplifiedMommyTips

14 Visitor Messages

  1. hope u are doing good , thought id stop by and say hi
  2. hi thanks for messaging me, I haven't been online lately, so much going on with my dad finding out he has cancer stage 4 and terminal just 3.5 months to live, such a sad reality for my mom who just lost her mother less then a year ago, so i've been so side tracked. i want to come back and do some coupons always kept my mind occupied. hope things are good with you, and the back to work thing went smooth, i need to go back too been off almost a month!
  3. hope everything is doing well with you, take care..
  4. Hey,
    Thanks for dropping by, yes, not been able to visit very often now, just very busy balancing family work and the household, Im sorry to hear that you recently loss ur grandmother, my prayers are with you and your family, take care sweetie...
  5. Hey, I havent seen you in a long while, just stopping in to wish you and your family a wonderful thanksgiving, hope you doing ok!
  6. hey, sorry to hear abt the death of ur favorite resident, hope u are feeling better, just dropping by to say hi, take care...
  7. i couldnt email the company it kept showing errors, i called the company and u can speak to them and they will eventually fix the site if we keep calling! .. if u can save a copy of the UPC i'd love that so i can copy it too and send it in!
  8. Hey, Thanx for the rep, and for calling the Lactantia Company, that cleared things up, I went looking for the 4l bags found them though and almost ready to send it today, good thing I got busy and forgot all abt it, would like to know how to leave reps messages, anyways have a good weekend, take care..
  9. hey missy congratulations, way to go !!!
  10. Happy Holidays To U!
  11. Merry, merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year To You and Your Family !!!!!!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14