Conversation Between db band and 22hicks

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you & I will. I think all the physical activity I'll be getting 4 awhile is snoring while I sleep & exercising my fingers on the computer. LOL
  2. thank you; it's tough, but @ least I was able 2 spend her last 2 weeks with her. She was special & I'll always treasure our time together.
  3. Sorry to hear about your friend. Especially when it involves a car accident, I find it is such a sad and needless end...
  4. thanks 4 the rep; great sunny day !! hope ur enjoying
  5. thanks 4 the rep; hope u had a great day
  6. I devote much of my life to nature & wildlife; my passion - orangs; I am soooo jealous or ur safari in South Africa - one of my dream vacations. For a wildlife photographer, one of the best I've been to is Costa Rica - the rain forest of course, not the resorts. My husband was a photographer, a real passion of his, but a very expensive hobby. Unfortunately, he's no longer with us. Anyhow, great pic - congrats.
  7. You're welcome for the rep. And thanks for the compliment on my leopard. I'm no naturebug when it comes to photography, this was my best picture from my safari in South Africa 1 year ago
  8. thx 4 the rep; have a good w/end
  9. thank you - BEAUTIFUL leopard !!!! have a great day
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10