Conversation Between elmo57 and michelem

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Always room for you, but I think you would be more comfortable sitting beside me! Hope you have a GRAND weekend!
  2. I'm 20 minutes from St. Jacobs', we can all go the week of the party!

    Hope you have GRAND dreams tonight!
  3. 1 hour from TO! Just north of Guelph! We'll talk before then! Take care!
  4. Quiet time with Herb? Stewy's buddy dropped by without him????? I think we're both going to be jealous!
    Enjoy your eve darling!
  5. Sorry I missed your birthday Elmo ive been so busy with mom here,the party sounds great if we can get some of us from here,I dont have a clue where that is though LOL,have a great night and Happy Birthday
  6. Hope your having a GRAND visit! Talk soon!
  7. Hey Elmo,Im from Moncton N.B. ,Mom lives in Nova Scotia she was born there but met my dad in Moncton where I grew up,after dad died she moved back to Nova Scotia and lives in a tiny little hick town called advocate,about an hour in the woods outside of Amherst.Beautiful place it sure is take care
  8. Thank-you Michele! Sleep well! Where out east is your family? Hope you have a GRAND trip!
  9. Hi Elmo a suprise for us gals ? Oh im excited ,my favorite color would be pink cya friday
  10. Hey Michele! Thank-you so much for the congrats!

    I still need to know your favourite accessory colour be it white, pink or black! I'll be bringing a little present for all of our ladies on Friday!

    Take care!

    Life is GRAND!!!!!
  11. Hey Michele!
    U2 word for Monday 6:00 pm is TOUR
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11