Conversation Between FallenPixels and banana03

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Okay thanks!
  2. Not sure, they had several brands - liquid is on the shelf at mall end of food aisle and powder was on the one past tampons and pads by the stocking entrance near the pharmacy
  3. wow! Do you know if they had similac?
  4. Its mostly the advanced stuff but they did have some stuff for younger babies, the cans of liquid stuff one of the Toronto members uses was 90c!
  5. Yes I will be. I never usually go to that one. Will have to check it out. Thanks so much
  6. SDM at Mapleview has loads of baby formula on sale if you are going to be using it
  7. Merry Christmas and Best wishes for the new year!!
  8. Thanks for the birthday wishes! Have a great day!
  9. Happy birthday!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11