Conversation Between FallenPixels and Litesandsirens911

10 Visitor Messages

  1. so did I until I seen it was $25 lol
  2. omg! Thanks for the rep, but I so want that little yellow submarine!!
  3. thanks for the kind words ..
  4. nope, still never recieved the pouch tops...i actually forgot about it til you just mentioned it again, lol.....thats so weird that you sent the pin monday and it came yesterday, thats amazing...but sadly no tops yet. Oh well if they are lost/stolen/out somewhere in the universe, etc.. well there's not much we can do..
  5. nope, Patty named you in her list of skanks I randomly picked from to send the pins to, since I only had 10 so did a random draw
    Did you ever get the pouch tops? I only sent the pin Monday!
  6. Hi,
    The card you sent me, was that for the Halloween card exchange? If so, THANK you, I am going to PROUDLY wear my Smartcanucks Skank pin from now on, lol
    Glad to be a skank along with
  7. no big deal, only the actual vote counts not the comment
  8. Hi
    I got my FPC's for EVO through a survey last year...I got two, and I traded for 2 more...I have one left, it expires in December of this year...If I don't end up using it for some reason, I will let you know, but for a 28.00 savings on cat food and 4 cats to feed, I probably will use the last one at a later date...thanks for asking
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10