Conversation Between gryphon and RobynCD

12 Visitor Messages

  1. How are you?
  2. May I ask a favour?
  3. how are you doing today?
  4. how are you?
  5. im doing fine, just very tired. and i have to finish three essays
  6. Hi Gryphon! I'm doing okay...battling a head cold and grumpy kids. My son Gabriel turned 4 today, so it was a fun and busy day. How are you?
  7. how are you?
  8. thanks for the rep. im sure its okay but its better safe than sorry
  9. Thank you for the rep Gryphon! I hope you have a fantastic week
  10. Best wishes for your family, and ((hugs)) for you.
  11. Thank you for the rep Gryphon! Have a great week!
  12. Thank you for the rep Gryphon, I hope you have a fantastic day!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12