Conversation Between gussy and [email protected]

25 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the Thanksgiving greeting my friend, i hope you had a great one to, my sister and myself had our dinner on Sunday as she had to work today.

  2. Wow, thanks Gussy, happy easter to you as well my friend.

  3. Hi Gussy, how`s things, i hope everything is going well for you my friend, i`m getting on i guess, chat another time.
  4. Hi gussy, thanks for the inquiry, i'm sort of stuck a little but it will shortly, my second cousin don's friend of 30 years has said that i can work for her and make excelent money doing medical phone surveys, at this age i really need to save a lot of cash for retirement, i'm praying that it works out good, i also need to get my own place.
  5. Hope your adjusting well in Edmonton,have a great week talk to you soon
  6. Hi to you as well my friend, how are you doing, good i hope, i`ve moved to Edmonton, Alberta with my son and daughter in-law, i`m trying to get my head around all the changes, i`ll get there sooner or later sooner i hope; have a great day.

  7. Ahahahahaha, hello my friend, hope your day went well.
  8. And a very Happy New Year to you as well my friend, may the coming your bring you all the luck that you'll need in your life.
  9. Happy new year
  10. Thank you for the Christmas wishes, my your day be a great one my friend.

  11. You're very welcome my friend, hope the rest of your week is also great.
  12. Thanks for the Rep,have a great week.
  13. Thank you so much for the early Monday rep, much appreciated.

  14. And a very Happy Easter to you my friend.

  15. Thank you for the Happy St. Patricks day wishes and the same to you my friend.
  16. Thanks so much for the rep it sure did quench my thurst, hahahaha.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 25