Conversation Between harbie and miniv

74 Visitor Messages

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  1. I found some at IGA and then my Dad found some. I don't know where he got them from. He doesn't tell me where his coupon jackpots are
  2. oooo omg! where did u find it? i first found them at SOF, but can't find anymore!! lol
  3. LOL....oh boy...we call it the langley zoo!! pup..fresh water tank..salt water tank..trantulas..cockroaches..lizard..or gecko watever that thing is LOL..and all sorts of random bugs and plants hahaha
    but i don't go near any bugs hahaha
  4. awwww im ALL happy now because of you!:D
  5. HAHAAH are u hinting that we need therapy? =( looooooooool!!
    im in denial!!
  6. Yes. Hello. My name is harbie and I am a LD coupon stacking addict. What can I say, I love a great deal
  7. LOL!!! 3 or 4 times? just a lil bit addicted right? hahahaha
    makes perfect sense tho LOL
  8. haha soooo cute!!!my pup sometimes gets car sick!! he's getting better at it tho!
  9. Those are actually Grandpa's sunglasses. I forgot Harley's doggles at home. He's pretty good at wearing his doggles when we go for rides in the car and when he sticks his head out the window. Mosty I think he does it to humor mommy
  10. mine's a little brat!!! lol hes such a bully at dog parks! always stealing other people's balls!!

    your's is so cuteee! doesn't the sunglasses bother him/her? mine would have destroyed it lol
  11. Your welcome. BTW I love your furbaby What a sweet face!
  12. hehehe thanks for the rep!!
  13. thanks for the rep!!:D and i'll need to go to RCSS soon!!
  14. thanks for the rep!!
    omg is that ur dog??sooo cute!
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