Conversation Between heartgirl99 and WAWAZAT

16 Visitor Messages

  1. hey! where ya been
  2. thanks for the rep!
  3. Muah!
  4. np
    rep away!
  5. TY for the rep HG, wish I could rep you back....still working my way thru 18 people.
  6. Hey HG! Whats new in your world?
  7. thanks for the info....sorry if you were offended.
  8. you have to rep 18 people before you can rep the first person again.
    as for *that* comment.... i'll just ignore it
  9. how are you able to send reps so quickly? I cant send you any till I spread them around!!!! SUX! You must spread it around a know what I mean!
  10. ? what ?
  11. so, was it as good for you as it was for me?
  12. thanks for the rep!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16