Conversation Between i_love_to_save and happy_me24

4 Visitor Messages

  1. OMG i do remember those advil ones....i took loooooots to Cuba last year and the people were so thankfull... and yes my husband and kids know that if there is something expensive (like aveeno lotion ) in the house is because i got it for Free or at least cheap!!
  2. That's a good idea (and I'm jealous that you're going to Nicaragua)! I remember when the Advil Nighttime was free at SDM....that's what we used until I ran out lol. Hubby knows that when I get something we haven't used before it's because it was really cheap and/or free!
  3. Thanks, we are going away to Nicaragua and was thinking of taking tylenol but i think i might take Motrin instead
  4. I use it like Midol or for I think Advil? Or maybe Tylenol...I always get confused. It's what my sister uses all the time and she says it's the best for basically everything! I'm not sure, but at $0.99, I figured I'd try it (I was out of Midol anyways )
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