- Eagle Brand Sweetended Condenced Milk Save 60c
- Oikos Greek Yogurt Save 50c x2
-Airwich Freshmatic or Scented oil twin pack refill Save 50C
- Dr Scholls Skin Tag Remouver Save $5
- Crest 3D White Strips Save $8
-L'oreal StudioLine Products Save $2
- Covergirl Save $2
- Nivea Save $2
-Tinactin Sve $2.50 x 2
These are all tearpad and inserts :)
Wish List:
Am looking mostly for baby related for my toddler but also Pediasure coupons for a friend who has just gotten full custody of his kids. They have been put on a pediasure supplemented diet as they were severely underweight and it is VERY expensive as we all know so If you could trade those I would be forever grateful and so would he :)