Conversation Between ironmanmom and julie81

7 Visitor Messages

  1. No it seems I don't have it..LOL Just forward along and I will get them out to you..
  2. Yes, I would love the diaper coupons! Thanks. Do you have my address?
  3. Hi Julie, i hope you had a good holiday season.. Just wondering if you wanted the huggies coupons I have??? Let me know and I will pop them in the mail tomorrow for you..
  4. Yes it is very overwhelming making the lists. But it sure does help for the trading end of the forum.
  5. No, I don't. I have been meaning to make a wishlist. I don't have the time to make a tradelist. Maybe when all my december coupons are outta my binder it will less intimidating...
  6. Hey do you have a wishlist??? or tradelist
  7. Well hi there.. Thanks for the friend request..
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7