Conversation Between itsjustmebub and papillon

9 Visitor Messages

  1. congrats you!!!
    hope you enjoy this as much as i did
  2. I did take something for it but it wasn't working so I just stopped. I'm hoping things will get better soon, and this will be a short-lived struggle. I'm pretty sure I'm going to quit my part-time job soon and that will definitely help the anxiety as that job is where most of my anxiety comes from. How are you feeling, any better? Are you going out trick-or-treating tonight?

  3. are you taking anything for it? As much as I didn't want to be medicated, it really does help
  4. I hope you feel better soon, Bub. I've got a lot of anxiety lately and it's really catching up to me. My stomach is constantly hurting now because of it.
  5. anxiety.
  6. awe *hugs*
    actually, same here. I haven't been able to work in about 3 months
    if you ever wanna chat PM me
  7. Hey bub! I'm ok, going through some tough times in life but I try to come on here as often as I can. What about you, what have you been up to?
  8. yep - same person on the blog lol
  9. yes woo woo no drama! no drama! lol
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9