Conversation Between jenna321 and canukred

14 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey girl,
    Glad to see your logged on! sending you warm thoughts of whatever you need my kindness to be!
  2. I love the new picture, lovely family!
  3. Morning Jenna This morning we have Bens Grandparents over for breakfast and the hubby is making my fave french toast Hope all is well with you
  4. Thanks for popping by Jenna yeah I think im on the mend , still not sure about Ben yet but he did sleep better last night. Hopefully ill be on more this weekend and I can catch up with everyone
  5. Hi I was wondering where you were so I decided to go visit you. Nothing worse than mom and little one sick at same time. Get better soon.
  6. What a sweet picture! My weekend wasn't too bad yours? Has a night just me and hubby very relaxing! Got excellent deal on track shoes 2 pairs brand new for $14.00!
  7. Hi Jenna ! Hope you have a nice week hun Love your photo album btw
  8. Hey Jenna hope your week is going ok When I lived in the UK we had something called Malt loaf it was sorta sticky sweet dark bread with raisins in it is that anything like the malt bread Judstir is talking about? I dont think ive seen anything like that since I moved over here though!
  9. Thankfully the fire didnt affect my hubby, he does work for Canfor but he is the purchaser for a different sawmill called clear lake, some of the stuff he ordered though did go up in smoke because they were being stored at the warehouse that also caught fire nearby.
  10. Your little guy is a cutie! I hope that mill fire there didn't you or your family. Speaking of trucks hubby is on his third pickup.LOL
  11. Im up in Prince George aka Chevvy Truck loversville :lol
  12. Hey Jenna what part of BC are you from if you dont mind me asking?
  13. Its ok to have bad days we all get those
  14. Hi Thank you ,I can use some friends
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14