Thanks for the vote. Its a daily one so whenever you get a chance it would be great. Good luck contesting!
Hi! I'm @choonkitng
are you still on twitter as @simo_8 ? I cant seem to find you anymore. Im @undomesticgirl and congrats on your recent wins!
Thanks Keeks!
Voted, I hope you get it
Hey! Was wondering if you could give me a quick vote. I am in second place for an Ipad and it ends this weekend. Thanks in advance!
Just find other people from Smartcanucks who contest and follow them. Then you can see who they are following and contests they are entering. Most of them are retweet contests where you retweet a post to be entered into a contest. There are other ones where a company will hold a contest at a certain time and ask a trivia question and whoever answers 1st or 10th or whatever wins the prize. You can follow me: @simo_8 . Good luck!
Nice wins! How do you find out about twitter contests? Im new to twitter and am not really sure what Im doing. Thanks for the pin!