Conversation Between kenrod and Lee03

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you for the reps!!! Hope you have a great night!!
  2. Thanks for the rep!!! Enjoy the rest of your week-end!!
  3. Thanks for the reps!!! Have a great week-end!!!
  4. Thanks for the rep!!! Hope you have a great long week-end!!!
  5. Thanks for the rep!!! Have a great night!!!
  6. Thanks for the Friday rep!!! Have a great night!!
  7. Thank you for the Friday rep!!! Hope you're having a great Psunday!!!
  8. Hope you have a great Valentine's long week-end!!! thanks again for the reps!!!
  9. thanks again!! I can't believe how many Q listeners are on this site!!! I've been listening to Q107 off and on since 1979 - ouch.... I think I just aged myself... lol...

    thanks for your words of encouragement!!!!

    Have a great night!!
  10. I'm still trying to find my way around here... lol... thanks for the rep (even though I'm still not quite sure what they Have a great night!!

    No bother at all Lee03! Welcome to SC. The reps are just a fun thing. I don't take them seriously, but I have fun with them. It is pretty neat to see the little green dots grow daily, then they turn into stars and hearts.

    You'll find your way around SC in no time. It is a pretty good web site.
  11. I'm still trying to find my way around here... lol... thanks for the rep (even though I'm still not quite sure what they Have a great night!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11