Conversation Between kicklegs and penniestoadream

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the reputation points. I'm still pretty new to all of this, but definitely having fun with collecting freebies and coupons and finding awesome deals. The social experiment that you asked about is a type of race. It might be easier to explain if you go to the blog Basically, I started with 3 pennies, each to be traded up individually to something Bigger & Better. Once each was traded, I took the new item and posted it on kijiji and other sites to be traded up again....and so on....and so on. So far, I'm only running this around Winnipeg, but as items get better, I'll definitely consider expanding trading distances. The other unique thing about this experiment is...I'm offering to sell the final items and giving percentages of the profits to the traders that were involved in each penny's path.
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