I know most people like the week days but i swap nights and days every two weeks so weekends(at least for next week) works good for me. Unless you go...
I have way too many coupons to list here so I decided to try to get rid of as many as possible by offering packages to newer couponers.
I have 150.00 worth of various coupons, none expiring before the end of April and no more then 2 of the same kind. I would like a gift card from Walmart or Shoppers Drug Mart or 1 FPC (depending on the FPC), 10.00 similac chq, Similac Mom Chq, 10.00 pampers. If interested please message me to work out a trade!
Wish List:
Maple Leaf Viennas, Heinz or Clarks beans, Purex, Good Start Formula, Pediasure Complete Cheques, Heinz baby food, Save 1.00 WUB any one heinz Toddler or Little Kids products, B2G1 Gerber Graduates Pasta Pick-ups and lil entrees, juices, playtex coupons from manufacturer, drop ins, Coolision yogurt, Pampers GTG Codes, Pampers coupons, Huggies wipes & diapers coupons, $10.00 Fisher Price Coupons, Any Vitalux product, Any Reactine Product Please no printables, no french and no store specific. I am willing to trade for a number of things that I am sure are not listed but just make me an offer I am sure we can work something out!