Conversation Between knitting nurse and oscarandme

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh you are so welcome and thank you for the REP. Have a lovely rest of weekend and keep those posts coming, always love to read your posts dear.
  2. Awwe, you are most welcome, I believe in giving credit where credit is due and that thread is awesome and well all threads are awesome on SC but everyone contributing and acknowledging..that is what it is all about. Thank you for doing that too. Thank you for the REP dear and have a lovely weekend. Stay snuggly.
  3. Oh you are very welcome, I haven't been couponing for long but I have had a few of those times where I thought well it was nice while it lasted then, BAM back on track and then DH doing cartwheels almost for the savings...back on track for a while..It was cute to read your brag, thank you for sharing it because I know we are not the only ones and it is natural to have these resting periods. I wanted to mention even though your resting period you are always present and positive in the forum and that is the most important part to me and the other members you stay connected. If you get another resting period you send me a PM. So welcome back and thank you for the REP as well. Have a lovely weekend dear.
  4. Thank you for the REP and it is true, I love reading your posts and we always learn so easily and always to proud of your finds. Thank you for sharing all the time. Have a fabulous weekend.
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