Conversation Between kool_105 and Woofy

312 Visitor Messages

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  1. i've been good, yourself?
  2. Hey, you... How have you been?
  3. okish, yourself?
  4. Hey, you! You haven't been on for a long time... How have you been?
  5. Aaaaaaahhhh... can't stop munching... Help!
  6. that's what new years resolutions are for.
  7. And of course, I can't stop munching on the M&Ms... *sigh* There goes my weight loss plan...
  8. hope you are all done now
  9. Hey... Merry Christmas to you too! Shopped for 5 hours today, did a gift basket, and now finishing up my diaper cake... and after that... 10 Christmas mugs filled with M&Ms... I am pooped!
  10. i do really appreciate it
  11. The pleasure's all mine! I am just so happy that I finally got around to sitting down and writing cards, and sending out some RAOKs.

    I don't remember which coupons I put in yours... But I hope you like them!
  12. good, yourself? thanks so much for the card
  13. Heyo... How have you been? I have been stuck in slow internet connection land... GAH!
  14. Don't remind me!!!! I really need to clean up!
  15. found this, though of you

  16. woofster
  17. how r u sleeping woofster?
  18. Shhhh... I'm hiding too!
  19. Yea... only the expensive ones...
  20. they do for some toys
  21. I wish they have coupons for toys...
  22. My first shopping trip without using any coupons for the last 2 months!

    No deals... Just bought a closet organizer, a book, a toy, a juicer for me.. that's it...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 30 of 312
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