Conversation Between Littlemoe0 and cady

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hi Moe! Happy Easter to you too!
  2. Hope you have a Happy Easter cady, take care, Moe.
  3. Hi Cady.
  4. Just saying Hello cady, hope all is well, Moe.
  5. Happy Valentine's Day cady, have a wonderful day, Moe.
  6. I know what you mean, the hubby's at his usual job, and I still have to look after everything around here,lol.
  7. I'm very busy too!!! LOL DH's got a new job and a he's working like crazy so I have to take care of everyting in the house!! That's why I can't come here as often... but things should get better in a few weeks. (well I hope so... LOL )
  8. Good, thanks Cady, how have you been? Been pretty busy lately, the usual daily grind.
  9. Hi Moe! how are you doing?
  10. Hi cady, haven't gabbed in a while, thought I would give ya a shout, Moe.
  11. Hi cady, dropping around and saying hello!
  12. Popping in and saying Hello! Have yourself a great day, Moe.
  13. I there Cady, wishing you all the best and a safe and Happy 2009, take care my friend, Moe.
  14. Good luck with the shopping, and have a great day too.
  15. I'm not ready for Christmas yet, but I hope I'll be able to finish the shopping this weekend!!

    have a nice day!
  16. Hi cady, all ready for christmas? I still have to go out shopping this weekend, groceries and gift, not looking forward to it. Take care and gab later, Moe.
  17. Happy Holidays to you too Littlemoe0!
  18. Stopping in to spread some Holiday Cheer, Moe.
  19. Thanks cady, been really looking forward to getting away. From the kids, to work, to the little town we live in, it will be nice to get away.
  20. Hi! :o) hope you'll have a great weekend! ;oP
  21. Hi cady, just dropping in and saying Hello.
  22. Hi cady, just dropping in to say hello.
  23. Hi LittleMoe! Hope you had a great weekend! Take care.

  24. Good morning cady, hope all is okay, just checking in. Talk later, Moe.
  25. Hi LittleMoe0! how are you doing? I'm not so bad... I'm sick, but not so bad...

    My friend is still looking for an appartment but she's doing fine and her baby too! I gave her a huge envelope full of baby coupons and she was very happy. Plus, I'm preparing a basket with all the freebies I got and I plan to give it to her when she moves in to her new place. I can't wait!!

    hope you had a great halloween!

  26. Hey cady, how are you today? How's your friend with the little baby doing? Hope she is managing okay. Gab later, Moe.
  27. Hi Cady, how have you been? All is well, and gab to you when you get a chance, Moe.
  28. Hi LittleMoe0! :o) how are you doing?
  29. Morning Cady, just saying hi, gab later, Moe
  30. Hi there cady, just stopping in to say hello, off to work, Moe.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 30 of 37
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