Belated Birthday Greetings my friend! Hope you had a great day and a wonderful year ahead of you!
Hi moe, how are you!? Gosh, it's great to see you I hope things are going well for you and your family.
belated happy birthday, mo! hope you'll visit the games room again.
moe!!! merry christmas!
That's so annoying. Thankfully, I'm not having any problems. I hope yours clears up soon.
Sounds like a nice day. You deserve to be spoiled. Me, fair, but I'm getting better, I hope.
merry christmas! miss ya, mo! hope you're well!
thanks, moe! hope you're going to be around more often now. everything ok with you?
mo!!!! thanks! nice to see you!!!!
Health wise not too good,I'm having much pain which is very trying.However I'm still taking it all one day at a time.Thanks for asking,hope you&yours are keeping well.
looks like i missed you again, mo! hope you and yours are well and enjoying this fabulous summer!
How are things in your little part of the world? Keeping busy?
Hi Mo. Long time no talk to. I'm doing ok, keeping busy during the summer. I live for the nice weather. How are you? What's new in your world? I for one, miss our conversations, so it's really nice to hear from you.
happy easter moe!
almost missed it!! Happy Birthday Littlemoe0!!
Happy Birthday Moe.
helloooo moe! sure miss chasing you in the game room. hope everything's well with you!
You are missed Fuzzbutt
holy!! l-o-n-g time no hear from!! Well I have no reason to complain about life ( although I do sometimes! lol ) pretty much same old, same old here for us. Retirement is going well enough, loving no more trudging through the snow! Hope you are well.
Going good it's going for you.
Hi stranger, great to see you !! Funny, I was just going to look for you tomorrow for your big day. Any big plans ?
miss ya, mo!
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