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Thread: Bill C-78 "emergency" legislation

  1. #1
    CaToonie Zedgirl76's Avatar
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    This new legislation is thought-provoking, to say the least, when our Charter of Rights and freedoms clearly allows for free assembly (peaceful assembly), freedom of speech and expression (section 2). Even for those who don't protest or demonstrate, this move is still alarming because it blatantly ignores the Charter, and makes me wonder what is going to happen next?
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  2. #2
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    The new law is based on three main pillars: It pauses the current school year at institutions affected by strikes; imposes steep fines for anyone who tries blocking access to a school; and limits where, how, and for how long people can protest in Quebec.
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    The law is not tough enough. These protests are ruining the city, time to bring in the army and get these spoiled brats who are being led on a leash by unions in this province, to cease and desist.

    100 days and counting, it's killing the economy, it's dividing the languages AGAIN and 2/3 of the population DO NOT SUPPORT the movement.

    Just my 2 cents but people outside the province have no idea what's going on here everyday. IT SUCKS!
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    yeah real heros of civil disobedience

  5. #5
    Canadian Genius anisa's Avatar
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    i guess these morons think they are bringing about some sort of QB spring?

    do they not comprehend how petty they look to everyone watching them?
    Patty Smyth, kazm-l, DaveP and 1 others like this.
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  6. #6
    Awake. TaraF's Avatar
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    This "law" is BS and it's a threat to our Democracy. You want to say that rioting is a punishable offense? Fine. You want to say promoting violence is a punishable offense? Okay with me. But to say that protesting is a punishable offense is a direct violation of our rights.

    Any student council member or faculty of the school that is found promoting, advertising or encouraging a protest can and will be fined. The fines range from $1000-$125,000 and each time after that the fines double. The key wording here is "protest". If they worded it such as promoting a riot or act of violence than I would agree with them but to say that promoting a protest is punishable is again, BS.

    To limit how/when/where people can protest again, BS. This "law" states that they have to give 8+ hrs notice before protesting, they also can not gather in groups of more than 50. Well today over 250,000 showed unity against this draconian law that was passed and I wish I was there with them. As quoted in the star tonight:

    "It’s now official: what were once protests against tuition hikes have transformed into protests for the right to protest."

    And that's exactly it. This law sets a scary precedence for the rest of this country and if you like the freedom you have you better thank those protesting against this law in the streets today.

    Last edited by TaraF; Tue, May 22nd, 2012 at 09:32 PM.

  7. #7
    Awake. TaraF's Avatar
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    THIS truly is a beautiful sight. BRAVO Montreal!

  8. #8
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    The numbers are exaggerated there were not even 100,000 there today but still enough to paralize the city and innocent hard working people who are just trying to go about their business.

    Businesses are failing, people are missing work, appointments, the downtown core is being economically terrorized by these people. The law was put into place to protect the real protestors from the Black Bloc and other anarchist groups who are the ones causing the real problems.

    There is a big difference when it's 500 people on a corner protesting Harpers governement and these idiots walking around downtown , setting fires, breaking shop windows terrorizing customers who are on terasses enjoying a night out.

    I know business owners who are not going to survive this. Who will bail them out? Not the students. Pas moi, c'est pas ma job.

    No ones's rights to protest are being violated. The student "leaders" don't have a brain cell among them. They are puppets of the unions who are paying their bail among other things. This is not a game to get out of going to school. This is real life and they have no clue what real life is because they are a bunch of self entitled spoiled brats.

    They want to "negociate" a deal to have no tuition hike and eventually no tuition at all. PLEASE GET REAL. The government has no obligation to negociate anything. Do they negociate with us when they raise taxes ? No. 87% of these students tuition is covered by the tax payers.

    This may be the final straw that makes me leave this pitiful province. En francais on dit j'ai honte. Well let me tell you I have never been so embarrassed to live hear.
    abbasgirl, Natalka, kazm-l and 5 others like this.

  9. #9
    Awake. TaraF's Avatar
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    I respect your take on the situation but I must politely disagree. For one, I don't care if there were "only" 20,000 in the streets, that's awesome and GOOD on them! I've watched the protests unfold the last few days live on CUTV and the only violence I've seen has been from the Riot police. No surprise there however. You want to talk about terrorizing customers? How about the Riot police who stormed into a bar on Saturday evening flipping tables and throwing chairs while pepper spraying innocent bar patrons on the patio and inside? Well Main stream media doesn't report this BS but they report some stupid kid on the street corner breaking a window. Here's video of that pepper spray incident as caught on the CCTV of the bar it happened at.

    And yes their rights are being violated when they are told where/when/how/for how long they can protest and how many people can do so at a time. And by imposing fines on anyone promoting a protest violates their rights as well. I'm sorry that you and anyone else in Montreal is being inconvienanced but I would hope that a little inconvienance would be worth your Democracy. And whether anyone agrees with why they started protesting or continue to, it's inspiring that people believe so much in a certain thing that they will protest night after night for 100 days.

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    Tara do you really think it is unreasonable for the city to request an itinerary from these groups?
    AnnieP, DaveP and pudi like this.

  11. #11
    Awake. TaraF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patty Smyth View Post
    Tara do you really think it is unreasonable for the city to request an itinerary from these groups?
    I'm involved with protests and comply with what the city has in place, but what I don't like is being bullied. And being told that no more than 50 people can gather in protest at a time or you will be arrested is ridiculous. Like I said, I'm not for rioting and if you're caught doing so, lock em up! But to put restrictions on protesting and to say you can be fined for promoting a protest is a direct violation of our rights as Canadians.

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    So lets talk about what really happened at the bar. A protestor went on to the terasse and then then threw a chair at a police officer. Then they went after him and all hell broke loose.

    Believe me it's every night. Breaking windows, burning police cars, throwing rocks and molotave cocktails. You are not seeing everything that's going on.

    Students blocking other students from attending school. 2 people were literally dragged out of classrooms by masked "students" for attending class.

    Gangs of masked students storming school hallways.

    Blocking downtown buildings and not letting people go to work.

    Rocks thrown on metro tracks.

    Smokebombs in the metro.

    100 days of childish, terrorist behavior.
    abbasgirl, Natalka, kazm-l and 3 others like this.

  13. #13
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    Anyhoo, you guys had what ? About 10 days of G20 riots. Well we are on day 100

    But you don't have to take my word for it. Just ask anyone on the street here how fed up they are and how embarassed they are of these students.
    DaveP and erin9mmm like this.

  14. #14
    Awake. TaraF's Avatar
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    I prefer Independent media to mainstream because mainstream tends to favour Government, but that's just me. I heard about the smoke bombs in the subway and I agree it's wrong. Let me make it REALLY clear to anyone reading this: I DO NOT AGREE WITH VIOLENCE! I do not agree with rioting, terrorizing or otherwise harming individuals physically. BUT when I watch it unfold live and see Police walking down the street and hitting people with batons on the sidewalk that aren't doing anything orr dragging women by the hair who are simply standing in the street, do I blame these people for getting violent? No I can't say I do.

    Having said that however, arrest and lock up the violent ones. I'm fine with that. Stop a riot BEFORE it happens, because if they can't handle those protesting and riots are "always" happening, they need to find a new line of work because they aren't successful in their current one.

    Again, my issue is with the fact they are trying to limit the protesters and make freedom of speech punishable by a fine. THAT is a violation of our rights and it's not acceptable and anyone who thinks it is well God help you.
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  15. #15
    Awake. TaraF's Avatar
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    In the end doesn't it all come day to what a person believes politically? I have many friends in the Montreal area and not just my age that agree with the students right to protest. Be violent? Nope. But protest, yes. They also find it inspiring that they are taking to the streets every day. I believe very dearly in freedom of speech and the right to assemble freely to protest and if the Government in ANY way wants to hamper that, make it punishable, etc, I have a beef with it.

    It was great to see solidarity protests today in Calgary, AB, NYC and Paris France today for those protesting in Montreal against bill 78.
    Last edited by TaraF; Tue, May 22nd, 2012 at 10:27 PM.
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