I am sad without you where are you???????????????????? : (
Hi, Dee! Yeppers, that bag thing is THE bomb! Thank you for the rep, Sweetie! Ps...I just want to squish your doggie to bits!!!! And nibble her (his?) ears! Yes, I do that to Jenny...it always generates a kiss...
I just love it deevious! I have 1 Mom like that, my DD hangs over there a lot! As do others, she is an angel for giving them the basement to hang in. We have hosted a few parties here to help even it out, but with DH shift it is harder for us. She has also been chief chauffeur to many kids too.
Thanks, may you and yours have a year of abundant blessings.
Thanks for the rep! hehe, you can have a small sliver of cake and not worry about the calories
Thanks for the rep hope you are having a great new year so far!
Now that IS funny! It is best they have a safe place to hang, very nice of you to offer...oh wait DID you offer? ha ha . My DD ( also teen ) caused her Dad NOT to drink as he had to drop her off, and then get her later, so I alone sipped Champagne ( 1 glass) and then at 12:30 we get the sheepish call, " can I sleep over ? " UGH! He could have been enjoying a glass or two, what can ya do eh?
I trust you had a very nice New Years Eve celebration last night? I can hardly believe I stayed awake past midnight. lol
Happy New Year!!!
we had just way too many dessert choices and after all the food, nobody could put a bite of anything in their mouth. We even walked the dogs, waited had some laughs and then after we had a few tarts and coffee, we were stuffed all over again! lol
Hello and belated greetings! We still have plenty of goodies to eat up around here. lol
Beautiful card you sent me, love it. Hope you had a nice Christmas Day with your family and/or friends and that the Season and all of 2012 will be good to you. Take care.
Merry Christmas to you also !!!
Merry Christmas!!!!
Merry Christmas to you and yours and all the best in 2012!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your Family too!
Wishing you and your'e a very " Merry Christmas" and all the very best for "2012"
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