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    I am 57, worked hard since I was 17 when I moved out on my own, never looked back, never asked parents for help ever. I think I am guilty of contributing to this next generations entitlement syndrome, as DH and I have paid for our 3 kids Univ. expenses and 2 are still attending and living at home. lol.
  2. I agree completely in donating but not at expense of others. Those who donate at expense of themselves, is true donating of a product/service. But if one "donates" on backs of a manufacturer and/or fellow customer cpnrs, that is not donating, that is perception of then donating their money, etc but realistically it's all of us then "donating" since it's at expense of all of us (manufacturers / other customers who have been shorted / stores).

    Re BC Mission donation TV clip. I am 100% behind them. Except, they forgot to mention all manufacturers that assisted (unbeknownst to manufacturers) that they gave so much stuff away for free or next to free.

    If the Mission women used their cpning skills w/o clearing shelves and/or skirting cpn wordings, then koodoos to them; if they did either of the latter, then THEY really didn't donate, it was instead the manufacturer who donated with them.

    Your last paragraph to me, such kind words. I thank you. You've made my evening tonight.
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    You're most welcome! I especially loved your part about donations. That seems to be a big 'problem' in my area. When people go in and get 60 Dove shampoos for the GST at one shot and brag about it, it is like nails on a chalk board to me. I have no doubt that these individuals are donating them (they make a big fuss about how generous they are for virtual pats on the back) - but like you said, there are other and BETTER ways to go about it.

    I wish more people used intergity, logic and reason when it came to stacking and couponing in general. And your post summed it up the best way I've ever seen it!

    Happy New Year to you too and I'm happy there are great people like you on this board!
  4. .
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    I feel sorry for her.. she is trying so hard and it sounds like she is being treated harshly.. I msg'd her and told her to send me her address I'll send her some coupons.. its nice when we can help each other.. thanks so much for the rep, it was kind of you.
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About shirl57
Took early retirement, my little poodle now has all my time, am looking fwd to next chapter.
Winnipeg MB
Volunteering and Helping People, Sewing, Crafting, Photography, Always thinking of new ideas
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