KRYSTA!!!!!! Where have you been beautiful????
Hey kiddo, what up?
happy easter, krystalynne
Holy moly indeed Thanks for the rep!
Bahaha *whips vs panties like a helicopter*
hey thnx for the rep...hope you are having a good day
thanks for the rep - Krista
Nothing much. Just living life with all it's ups and downs. You hitched yet?
Good to see you back stranger! What you been up to?
I'm part of Hamilton-have enjoyed Spencer Smith park walks on my treks downtown. Maple Ave. from Ontario St. to Mapleview Centre is one of my favourite walks! Burlington's downtown is very vibrant. Hamilton's has charming spots but it is not Burlington.
I was not that good all my life, but change just had to be implemented now. Stay young and sweet forever krysta! ha ha .
despite not eating any sugar for over a month I am too surprised by my sweetness! lol have yourself a good day krysta!
Thanks for the rep!! Ya, they are cool and the DH is freaking AWESOME!!
just read your rant and I came dashing over with something to change your mood today hope you start to feel better soon krysta!!
Wow, you've got a cool mom When I got my tattoos (a million years ago) I had to sneak around to get them. I was basically an adult but I knew it was something that they would have frowned at and tried to talk me out of. Once it was on they couldn't say anything.. lol. And censorship sucks, you have to learn to get creative like I have
Thanks for the reps. Have a great night and stay warm
Thanks for the rep, Boo boo Happy new year BTW
Smart Canuck
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Frosh Canuck
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boogey-man slayer
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Canadian Guru
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Just Jez
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always been frugal
Commander:Northern armies
Know what matters...
Still keeping the faith
Contradiction in progress
Canadian Genius
Un-nagged Male
no more door to door! :)
All my children have fur