my nap felt great! ( I just woke up ) and peeked out the front window, oh my!! There is waaaay too much snow covering the walk/driveway now and it is still falling ( softly ). Shoveling will wait till the a.m. no way I'm going out in that now.
well, I have been a hermit for many days for the last 2 weeks and have enjoyed not having to go out. Today I had only 1 errand and was nervous as snow was in the forecast but up until 45 min ago the streets were clear! So I tell DD we are good to go and then JUST within the last 45 min the white stuff is falling like mad! ugh....just hoping the traffic will be moving smoothly when we leave.
Great point! ( IF only OP had maybe unwrapped all those pkgs. of meat once she got home and checked the smell then ? ) Thanks again for the great tip that I will be doing going forward when I bring my discounted pkgs home. Just makes sense now that I think of it. Another dog walk done and now I am ready for MY afternoon nap....ha ha .
haha see thats exactly what happened to me! I tried lettuce and spinach and both didn't do well and when I did pick them they were awful tasting. I tried carrots which was a complete joke. Imagine the smallest baby carrot you have ever seen. Got it? Now quarter that. LOL. My celery actually did pretty well but I think thats only because I did the whole reuse the bottom of a store bought celery. My broccoli and cauliflower looked more like glorified weeds. So all in all the only things I had success with were the green onions and celery from a reused bottom. Both however require constant watering and I for one do not have time for that especially in this heat and drought season we are in. So I too came to the conclusion no more balcony gardening for me.
you said it! So Long Snap!
thanks dot, you know I was just messaging with amira and she brought up a very good point! Snap may be flooded with people just buying any items from their few offers that they have now ( even if they won't use or need the things ) and when they send in the receipt and get it approved and reach the $20.00 to cash out then they will return the items to the store! lol!! I am laughing now at the thought of all these sudden " returns " in various stores of Glade, Polysporin, etc
lol - I wouldn't object to a big one.
Agreed, but @ least you've won something; me, nothing. This is the one at Rexall, I think it is about $28-30 reg price there, but always on sale. I clean mine every 2 weeks and they have held up really well, where my Quo ones lost their fluffyness and two of the metal parts came away from the handles
I had cleaned up my friends list about a month back and perhaps I deleted you? If I did I am sorry!! Started to feel overwhelmed with so many sc friends... welcome back!! ha ha
Thanks for the reminder about my post number - I remember noticing when I was a few hundred away, but now it's only a few! Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!
My pleasure. I used to be confused as well until someone explained it to me. I like to earn every point I can
Hi D.ot .... at the store I usually shop at the printed Vichy coupon was accepted.... I also sent one email to my phone in case they wanted to see.... at the beginning the vichy coupon was $20 off on any 3 products .... but now when you go to print it it has restrictions on the total spent .... the original one didn't but even the pdf of that original coupon has changed .... I guess they realized that someone could potentially get three items for free with that coupon..... I have the one they sent me in the mail - for $20 off when you buy three items (no restrictions) so I'm holding on to it for now. Use your coupon this coming friday when you can get 25% off plus the points offers from this week .... sweet deal imo best -- Dahlia
Yes, there were lots left. There are many trails around Richmond road, Also, the Marina is close by - beautiful trails there as well.
Thanks for the suggestion d.ot! Can't believe I did not know about the App! Unfortunately the receipts from Brands gone wild don't include any details, just cost so unlikely I can claim it but I've downloaded the App for future use.
when I am here gazing at the filled processed jars sitting on the huge bath towel cooling I think, " oh yeah! lets make more! " but as you say we both know the work involved.....ha ha. A make work project for sure.
In this day and age, with all the various food kitchens out there, I am shocked they did not offer the stuff to them first instead of tossing it out? Oh well, at least you scored with the zuchs!! congrats on that. I really have to control myself though, you know I mean we can only use and eat so much of everything at a time, and it can be so easy to grab too much. I would have loved to have found citrus ( those really big naval oranges ) that day but they had none. Happy hunting!! ha ha
ahhh how true -I always spend on others -diapers for my granddaughter -3.99 row row row your boat book I ordered in indigo for her she is 20 months -I don't feel bad buying this stuff today and hubby and I are really thrifty -but I have couponed for 30 some odd years so I figure I deserve it -plus hubby drinks mcdonalds coffees 1 or 2 a day so that adds up right -lol
Our central A/C unit is old ( installed 26 yrs ago ) and I keep eyeballing this " supposed " $500.00 coupon we have from our gas Co. that gives us that discount off a newly installed unit. My guess is that the coupon would probably not even make much of a dent, they likely inflate the prices to begin with. I hope yours works out.
Lol. I am really stocked up for a long time and I always keep saying that I will not buy paper towels again, but when an opportunity comes when I am getting such a good deal and especially when I am not even using my money for these deals (i used rebate money. Remember? ), I have to say yes to the deals. BTW, why am i not seeing you that much on our sdm forum? Don't you love sdm anymore?
Lol. I had raccoon eyes today trying my new ysl palette. Then i started blending it out and fixed it.
Thanks a lot d.ot for liking my make up. I have really put my hard work and hard earned pocket money in this maje up. Thanks a lot to sdm for giving out awesome deals and points offers that we can get most of our money back in points. I am not an expert in putting on make up especially eye shadows, i keep on watching youtube videos and learn from there. For example, stila in the light palette was my first ever eye shadow palette (high end). I never knew how to use it and always ended up looking like a raccoon when putting it on. I started watching youtube videos and watched them so many times and practised it so much that i don't need any videos to use that palette now.
And thank you so much for the past rep
no I have not tried to claim any WM reduced produce on CO51 because of just what you said, all the receipt says is " Programme " BUT what I did do was use a .25 coupon to take money off the bag of reduced apples I got. At first the cashier said she did not think I could use it, but I pointed out all the coupon said was .25 off any 3 lb bag of apples ( and there was def more than 3 lbs in that $1.00 bag!! ha ha ) I am a tad bummed about the irregularity the store is having in when they put that cart out. It seems it is a hit and miss procedure, and I have missed the last 3 times ( grrr! ) Also at this point we have wonderful backyard boxes that are providing us with produce so I am not looking for that much right now. Soon though. I am def. going to be watching ( and reporting!! ) if i see anymore off duty employees trying to wiggle their way into that cart ahead of others. I was reminded that they also get another 10% off all their purchases too, so that is a tad unfair.
Hello, I noticed your post in the gift card trading forum. I have a $25 gift card that I would like to exchange for a $25 Is that gift card that you have from Thanks
Smart Canuck
Each Day is a Blessing...
no more door to door! :)