Thank you! I plan on trying the recipe
Thanks for the rep!
Thanks for the rep; enjoy November!
Thanks for the rep, ninna Have a super week! Silk
Thanks for the rep, ninna
, Hamlet was never my favourite, Ninna, but Julius Caesar certainly remains my ultimate play. When we were in Rome I of course had to have my picture taken at his statue, and I even bought a flower to place on the spot where he was said to have been murdered in the Forum. Although no one really knows the exact spot, I was happy with my choice... Ah loves dat man!!! Have a great weekend, Sweetheart!!
.....I hope you're enjoying your day with your family. Our dinner was Friday, since our DD and her DH are just about to land in Mexico about now, for a week's vacation, and hubby is at Science North with our grandson. Jenny is fast asleep along my legs on the recliner and I'm fli##ing between the NFL games and Harry Potter......a perfect day!
Hi Nina! I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving weekend with your family...........................
Lol....well, Ninna, at least I didn't make it public this time...I thought it was so funny, two mis-steps in a week. Honestly, I don't go around looking for stuff like that, but when it's that hilarious, I just have to tease you. I hope you know that I am not the grammar or spelling police, never have been, never will...but your little glitches are too cute!!! Have a lovely evening, Ninna...sweet dreams, Hon...Lynn
Thanks for the rep
"....I had adopted the habit of jiggling her legs." Lol!!! Sorry.....I can't help're too funny!!!~!~
Thanks ninna
Hi, Ninna!! You mentioned the movie, "Epic", that you watched with your kids...would that movie be suitable for a 6-year old? It's so hard to's rated "family" but who knows? He's not even allowed to watch "The Secret of Nimh" and I thought that would be a great movie for him! His Mom nixed it...sigh.... Thanks,'s so hard to find things he's allowed to!! Take care, Sweetie!
thank you for the rep, and I THINK he does. fingers crossed
Yep, my crazy Lily dog LOVES beets. She's been eating the peels as I'm going along cooking the darn things. And why is it that it takes so darn long to pickle the beets and so little time to consume them??? And you finished pickling 50lbs' worth??? You have my admiration (I'm struggling with 1x 10lb bag!). Too bad I can't teach the dog to cook, then again, my fridge would be empty. Hope all is well.
pfft! I agree with your rep comment, why set a goal I know I will disappoint myself when I do not reach it. This way with no expectations everything is a success!! lol I think it is called lowering your standards, ( chuckle )
Yes, it does seem like a never ending supply of the darn beets. Good thing 2 of us love them (the cat is not a fan, go figure). I'm just grateful the dog doesn't like them raw, or my whole condo would look like a scene out of CSI. How many beets do you have left to deal with? Or dare I ask?
Thanks for the rep; have a great week!
Smart Canuck
Loves to share
Canadian Guru
Keep Smiling :)
Un-nagged Male
All my children have fur