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Thread: Any other Students on Smart Canucks?

  1. #1
    Smart Canuck Bronwen's Avatar
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    I know I can't be the only student on Smart Canucks! I can't see any section for students here, but it would be cool to get to know who else out there is living the "student" lifestyle as well, and if possible get to know some of you!

    My husband and I are both students, I'm in my first year of a three year Bachelor's Degree (finally) and he will be entering his third year of his Master's Degree in September. We have two toddlers (26 months and 15 months - yah, very close together lol!).

    What about you?
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  2. #2
    Smart Canuck matrix82's Avatar
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    Congrats on entering your programme.

    I just graduated last year, 9 years of post secondary school :S.

    I start a new job in July and I am debating taking a 2 year diploma programme which can be taken part-time while working full time. I need to look closer at my finances to see if I can afford to take the programme.
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    Senior Canuck Kalmel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matrix82 View Post
    Congrats on entering your programme.

    I just graduated last year, 9 years of post secondary school :S.

    I start a new job in July and I am debating taking a 2 year diploma programme which can be taken part-time while working full time. I need to look closer at my finances to see if I can afford to take the programme.
    Well congrats!! see it this way.. it took you 9 years just to make you appreciate more that diploma! you should be so proud of what you acomplished.. many people would of just gave up and pile up the excuses... you fought for what you wanted and you got it!!!!

  4. #4
    Smart Canuck matrix82's Avatar
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    Thanks, 5 years undergraduate (took an extra year) and then a 4 year masters program.

    I love school, just wish it weren't so expensive.
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    I just finished college will be going to Uni next year.

    Student here
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  6. #6
    Senior Canuck Kalmel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matrix82 View Post
    Thanks, 5 years undergraduate (took an extra year) and then a 4 year masters program.

    I love school, just wish it weren't so expensive.
    Yes it can be very expensive. I'm doing credits from home and i find it can add up really fast. I thought that with the kids and hubby being away for work would make it easier for me doing extra credit at home but, i wonder at times if it wasnt better for me to actually go to school. I get easily distracted by pretty much!! just this morning, i sat down to do 3 hours of homework and saw this cute little bird outside my window.. next thing you know, i was with my camera trying to take!!! Dont even get me started with the computer breaks.. like now..LOL!!!
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  7. #7
    Smart Canuck smileyKT's Avatar
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    I just finished my 3rd year of undergrad
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  8. #8
    Smart Canuck alicia's Avatar
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    Finished my 8th year of post secondary. Four year Bachelor degree, and now four years of graduate school (finishing my PhD by December).
    matrix82, Lynn49, Kalmel and 2 others like this.
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  9. #9
    Smart Canuck Bronwen's Avatar
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    Yay! I knew there had to be some SC's out there that are also in post-secondary edu! It's hard and I sometimes wonder if I'm cut out for it, but I'm sticking with it for three years because in the end I know it's the best thing for my family. Can't wait to stop living the student life though, it's pretty stressful - will be nice with my hubby in a career he loves and a steady income! Although these years have been the best of my life!

    Oh and Kalmel - I know what you mean about getting easily distracted! I'm in my daughter's room trying to write a paper (started it today, it's due Friday LOL) and I am on SC!!! Oops!
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  10. #10
    Smart Canuck glowworm2k's Avatar
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    Welcome to SC! Yes, there are lots of students around here and I wish you all the best in your studies - it may be difficult at times, but will be super rewarding too!

    I'm a fellow student as well I'm in the 4th year of my Ph.D., following 18 months of a Master's and 4 years of undergrad before that. I did my Ph.D. program part-time because the true "student lifestyle" of always having to say no to everyone's requests and invites and eating beans, beans, and more beans because I was soooo poor was just getting exhausting, not to mention the shiftwork jobs that I fit around that schooling that were slowly killing my body. My advice to fellow students is to find some work-life balance to make sure that there is time for everything, including yourself.

    I just had a meeting with my committee this morning and received their final revisions; I have a deadline of June 15th to submit my thesis to the faculty - the BIG step - which will be followed by a defence in mid-August. My advisor and committee officially promised me today that they will select a date that falls before my 30th birthday (they have a shortlist of 6 potential dates so there should be one to please everybody), so I will complete my dream of being done all this schooling by 30!!!

    ^^That said, I often think about starting a college program and working in health care or personal services.... I have been working as a researcher, but really love the idea of getting back into the community and working with people again. That, and I'm addicted to punishment!
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  11. #11
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    congrats to those of you putting for the effort of many yrs in school! lol not always easy! im not in school right now.. but I have a 2 yr diploma and looking at going back. Trying to get into a school in the states! soo not cheap! part of why I have recently got back into couponing and freebie hunting.. I need 20g US a yr to go to the school in ohio that I want to go to! If anyone knows of any tips, ideas, suggestions or ways to do this any advice would be much appreciated! I have looked into several options and have gotten no where. osap not an option, bank student loans not big enough same with line of credits, scholarships grants hard to get with not being in school. Also the fact that I'm a mature student cuts alot of the scholarship/ grants options. Thanks ahead of time! good luck to everyone with their studies!
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  12. #12
    Frosh Canuck eco-chic's Avatar
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    Congrats to everyone that has finished or will finish soon, or are still doing their post-secondary studies!
    I just finished my 2 yr master's program (defense was in February) after 4 years of undergrad. It feels so good to have finished and have it all before im 25! I finally have time for me ( getting married next month so ill be putting a little more time for me after this big celebration!). While in school i worked 2 jobs and had 3 during my master's (ok one was being a GA and the other two i only worked twice a week). So i had time to complete my thesis and finish my defense in February. My grad is next week and i cannot wait to finally have my degree in my hands. No more schooling for me (for now at least)...i am ready to enjoy my life!
    It was hard with school to save money to pay off OSAP and to have a little extra to spend on me. But i can happily say that all of my schooling debt has been paid off and i have learned so much on saving money for the long run just by being frugal. I havent really used coupons on a religious basis before last year, but thats cause i was living at home and my mom was the one in charge of the shopping.
    Good luck everyone with your studies!!
    Lynn49 likes this.

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