I have discount sticker envy at the great meat sales you snagged at Sobeys! Congrats. Happy New Year!!
Praying for you and all you are going through in life
Well on the one hand I gave you rep and on the other hand it will not make sense as my cursor moved from another post! Anyhow I hope that next time I give you rep.(actually anyone rep.)that I will watch my cursor! Blessings to you&yours!
Just read your sad post about the sudden passing of your MIL. My deepest condolences.
Happy new year busy Mom!! Wasn't that strong willed of cabmonk to suffer through 6 weeks at the same weight? I may have cracked if I was him, so glad things came around again for him.
Sorry, I'm doing OK. Haven't really been posting as much as usual across the whole site. Still doing my ddp yoga and my eating isn't bad thanks.
ahhh yes your birthday was earlier , 33 is such a nice young age , I think it will hit me when my kids turn 40 then I may start to feel older -lol my daughter will be 36 in august (yep mine were 2 and a half years apart) my son's two girls are 4 years apart and my daughter will only have the one child Sebastian -thanks for the rep have a great night
I could not believe the barrage of phone calls I received from CIBC asking why had I not activated the new card yet?? Duh! Because you cancelled the one I liked and used all the time. ha ha
Sorry for the belated rep.,hoping and praying you are now coming along fine
Happy Canada Day!
I am sure it feels good to be home! Hope the recovery is coming along well! Take it easy and rest up as much you can!
Wishing you a speedy recovery and that you are home soon!
I forgot that not all provinces practice D.S.T. I wish we didn't. I hope you have a good day.
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!
oh I just saw the pics of the flooding! I feel just awful for your things getting damaged, hope you do an insurance claim though if the stuff ruined is over a grand you might as well? Good luck, stay safe!
darn it all, I hit a wrong key and was not finished typing the comment in your rep just now. oh well you'll get the gist I think....lol
Hi, I have pm'ed you for a trade. Waiting to hear back from you. Regards
Lol...no "might" about it, Angela...you're going to LOVE them!!
Canadian Genius
Crazy horse girl
boogey-man slayer
Smart Canuck
Contradiction in progress
Say no to Cyber Bullying