Celebrate your special day in style !! have fun!
Hi, Sue...! It's been so long since we've chatted! How on earth are you??! We're fine, Jenny is still Princess Jenny, spoiled as ever...okay, even more...I hope everything is going along swimmingly for you and your hubby!!! Hugs, Lynn i
Thanks for the info. I had read that caffeine could be a culprit sometimes and I tried to reduce my intake to see if that could impact things but then I could hardly function and I decided that darnit, if I was gonna be stressed I was gonna at least have a freakin coffee and feel normal. LOL. But I do wonder if that's something I might want to play with and track as well. DH says it only takes a week of going without coffee before you don't notice it anymore. SO I might try that.
So sorry for your loss. Sending you *big hugs*
Thank you, Sue....each day is a little easier, less pain....take care, Hon...Lynn
lol! thanks for the chuckle in the Amazing Race thread.
have a wonderful birthday today!
I'm so happy! I really can't thank you enough. What a great RAOK.... You didn't have to do that have a great week!
Thanks for the words of encouragement It helps to know we're not the only ones. Sometimes I feel like it! Of all our friends we appear the least accomplished; now that being said we have kids and most of our friends do not. We've always said that our family is the most important, which it is, but now that DH is 29 he has been getting down on himself for just starting a new career and not even having it yet. I have been very encouraging and supportive of him but with SIL getting a brand new house handed to her - and an income property at that - it'a a realization for me as to why DH feels like he's getting a late start.
Happy Canada Day to you and your sweet hubby, Sue!!
ahhh so kind of you to offer to watch our doggy-but we are in Hamilton-and he doesn't like driving in cars too far-he doesn't like cars period -went back to the days when he was one he was took out on rainy days in the car -and he hated the wipers-ahh you are so sweet to offer
Thanks for the rep! Enjoy your long weekend!!
Thanks for the rep Sue. I felt a bit off with the swear word, but sometimes that is the only way to express how one feels. I am so sorry for your losses. Stay strong. Hugs
definitely awesome! Thanks! Whats the expiry? Finding myself super busy these days.
Yes please! Would love to try it!
you arent going to use it??
not on a regular basis, but I DO like iced cappuccinos! Why? Whats up?
Thank you my friend if you ever want to talk, feel free to PM
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