You said it all, TG!! I drop into the "news" thread maybe once a month if that and it just reinforces my decision to continue to avoid it at all costs. Even with 'someone' blocked, the madness continues! Hope all's well in your lovely, quiet corner of the world, Hon!
hi-yes she has up and down days my daughter -thanks for the comment -but its true no matter what age our kids are we never stop worrying about them -yes its exciting to be a nana again -have an awesome day
Oh that's wonderful !!! Regardless if you enjoy your job or not, watching the Jays will make it so much more fun. Have a fantastic time.
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!
Thank you. All's good with me, and about 95% better.
Thanks for the rep
It is scary Walks.The thing with trump is that he is so arrogant and self absorbed he can't make subjective decisions and he won't back down even if he knows he is wrong. spells trouble to me.
so scary! MY DH said the second thing you said! Truly frightening with all this Russian spy stuff connected. I remember that poor man that was poisoned with radiation material, his widow has been on the news channels warning that Putin does NOT mess around, he kills his enemies.
Just horrible. If I didn't love Canada so much, I'd be living much further south. Oh well, at least the days are getting a little longer.
You're welcome. I send to the people I want to, not to the people who send to me. Postage is so expensive, I have really cut down myself. I only send to ppl I don't see that I want to know I have thought of this time of year now. So that includes you!
yeah, I mean a recall is good and all, but perhaps absolutely nothing ever went wrong with yours and hopefully no one ever bit down into pieces of metal, or you would have sure heard about it. Good luck with whatever they give you as a replacement??
that is such a tough topic to cover in fil,. mostly because the horrid stuff is all based in truth. This goes on and how does anyone stop it?
All is well. Less time to SC. Work cramps my online life.
geesh, the things I can learn still at my age? I had no idea.
Finally dozed off somewhere just after 4:30. I think it's going to be a long day.
oh wow, I never knew about that second part! So IF a person had a heart defect and then caught that from a kid, it would be very bad?
Thanks for your kind words - it went downhill for him really fast at the end. A year from diagnosis. I think my sister is still in shock, they were high school sweethearts, married 44 years. Luckily, their three kids and grandkids are all in the city, so that's been a very good thing.
Wow, you jumped all over my post... I JUST posted it!
You're lucky. I hear it was a miserable drive.
Thank you for your condolences
you're welcome!!
too cute! We often complain quietly to ourselves when we " have to " cook, then when we are given a break we suddenly get inspired to cook! Makes no sense does it?
Canadian Genius
Smart Canuck
boogey-man slayer
Canadian Guru
Alberta Couponer
no more door to door! :)