your welcome, thanks so much
Happy new Year
hahah yeaaa from epic meal time!!! Inspired to use bacon because of them haha
Thanks for the rep and nice comment! I'm just happy if someone can put them to use!
His looks changed over the years but he was still always cute Patrick Verona to me!
Heath Ledger from 10 Things I Hate About You. I fell in love with him in that movie, just saw it again on tv recently and it renewed my love so I had to change my profile. LOL
Thanks for the rep! Yeah I surely love my cutie bird
thanks for the nice rep
Glade you liked it have a great day!
Thanks for the rep, i try to help out when i can, so many nice people on here.
thank you for the rep
Hi, I saw your post about the Michaelina's FPC and I was just wondering where you found them?
thanks! I can't take all the credit though...I'm using my loyalty rewards like crazy to get these deals...technically I am "spending" more than that each month but I'm not using my own money...Air miles, sdm points, zellers points et al...that's free money helping to keep me from paying out $300 each month! i will take credit for the work that goes into planning grocery shopping trips though...that's tiring but worth it. lots of tips in the thread...hope they help. thanks again and all the best!
I love the Take 5 recipe for banana bread as it involves only 5 ingredients. ( easy peasy as they say! ) Thank you for the rep too.
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