This is exactly what went thru my head when I saw the Resolve CZ coupons AGAIN on the shelf right underneath the Resolve (a few weeks, maybe a month...
Before baby: scrapbooking/cardmaking, dragonboating, civV. After baby: Taking care of precious LO
Trade List:
FPC All Bran Original
3x $3 Kraft Habanero Shredded Cheese (June 30/13)
5x FPC Natrel Baboo (Jan 31/13)
6x $1.25 Oasis Nutrisource
$1.50 Oasis 2.63Lrefrigerated juice
$1.25 Oasis 1.75L refrigerated juice (exp Mar 2013).
2x $1 Catelli Smart (Jan 26/13)
3x $2 WUB2 Tampax Radiant (Sept 30/13)
$1 Activia Sweetened and Unsweetened plain yogurt 650g (Jan 25/13)
$1.50 Sunlight Laundry (excl. 10ct pacs) (Jan 31/13)
3x $3.00 Sunlight Pacs 48 or 68 ct (Mar 31/13)
$5 Gerber Graduates Toddler Drink (Dec 31/13)
$1.00 Tre Stelle Mascarpone cheese (May 31/13)
2x $0.75 International Delight chocolate mint truffle (May 31/13)
2x $1.00 Dairyland Organic product (May 31/13)
2x $1.00 Mozzarellissima 500g or larger (May 31/13)
2x $0.50 Dr. Oetker Shirriff Mousse (Dec 31/13)
2x $0.50 Dr. Oetker Mousse 50 calories (Dec 31/13)
2x $0.50 Dr. Oetker Mug Cake (Dec 31/13)
2x $0.50 Dr. Oetker Premium Dessert Mix (Dec 31/13)
Wish List:
I am looking for English only coupons please. Please no printable unless I ok it. I prefer a minimum $5 trade to make postage worthwhile.
RRRLF Dempsters bread (good for 100% whole wheat)
RRRLF HV Pampers or Huggies (no inserts, must be $3+)
RRRLF Astro Original yogurt (12 x 100g)
RRRLF Dempsters bagels
RRLF Tide $3
RRRF $2 off any fruits and/or vegetables WUB2 Dempsters (store specific) #12522040, exp. March 15 '13
Aero FPC
Always Radiant $2 WUB 1 only
Bread (wonderbread, dempsters 100% whole wheat or smooth multigrains
Chapman's ice cream
Classico pasta sauce
Coke products
Colgate-Palmolive call ins
Dempsters bagels
Eggs (regular eggs only)
Enfamil D Vi Sol $4 (2013 expiry)
FPC's (ask me)
Gay Lea sour cream
General Mills cereal (good for cinnamon toast crunch)
Heinz ketchup (only need 1 or 2 please)
Huggies diapers $3+ (no inserts)
Huggies Enjoy the Ride PINS (depends on trade--ask me)
Huggies FPC
Kraft products $1 WUB 2, $2 WUB 4 (or better)
Lactancia butter
Lindt excellence bar $1 off or FPC
Michelina's (good for Signature)
Nature Valley Granola bars
Neilsen milk/Sealtest milk (good for 2% bag or homogenized carton)
Pampers diapers (no inserts), $3+
Philadelphia cream cheese (good for my choice of flavor )(not dips, not cooking cream)
P&G $3 WUB2 Bounty/Puffs/Charmin
Piller's deli meats (good for turkey)
Pizza Sauce
Soft Soap/Colgate/Palmolive (call in)
Vinta crackers $1